I started this blog talking about people that had passed as entities. It’s the term my practitioner friends and I have used for years. I looked up the word entity in the dictionary and it says ‘a thing with distinct and independent existence’ which in my experience isn’t true. The word ‘soul’ is a much better description. ‘The spiritual or immaterial part of a human being or animal, regarded as immortal’ fits the description perfectly.
My experience has confirmed for me that there is no birth or death only souls manifest in ‘form’ or not. They can be here right now whether they’ve given up their human form five hundred years ago or yesterday. We think of time passing horizontally, but time is vertical.
The light bulb went on after a profound session I had with a client a few years back and it became very clear to me that everything we experience is happening… right now.
Not such a friendly soul.
When I first had the experience of a ‘soul’ using my body I had no idea what was going on. I had no energy, was tired all the time and quite ill, and felt very flat. I’d been to a party in Bondi and had felt very uneasy from the moment I walked in the door. Now, after dealing with various entities over the years I know how to get them out of me, and how to keep them out of my space and my clients’ space, but still allow the messages to be heard. Becoming acutely aware of our energy systems because of years of energy work, being a Reiki Master, using Quantum Touch, and experiencing the energy releases from clients when they let go of an old story, continually confirms that we are a mass of energy shifting and changing as a result of our stored emotions. You might say ‘oh but I can’t feel energy very well!’ but I think that anyone can feel energy if they practice enough, like playing the piano or going to the gym, we become good at anything if we keep doing it often.
The awareness of energy happens when we get out of our heads’ and come in to stillness. This moment…right now.
A persistant troubled soul.
The sort that come in during a healing session are usually the most gracious and incredible souls. The sort of souls that I feel honoured to have met and that I’d love to have stick around for longer, seeing as they’re free from the trappings of the ego and seem incredibly balanced, loving and peaceful. Unfortunately they seem to just want to communicate with my clients and soon disappear when a client leaves.
I’ve learnt to protect myself a lot better from the denser more troubled souls. In those early days I had to have the rather persistent soul from Bondi removed by someone else. It failed when someone tried the first time because I didn’t understand what it was, but the second practitioner managed to draw him out. It was a very troubling experience, I felt like my life force was being used up and I had a cold with a sore throat. I was finding it harder and harder to think straight.
I finally booked in to see Jan, my kinesiologist who I’d been seeing for years, and see if she’d have a go at helping me. She said she’d been learning how to do cranio- sacral therapy and after she’d had her hands on my head for a short while I could feel this horrible dense energy being drawn out of me. Like a body that had been rotting at the bottom of the sea for years, bits of skin floating around him. I saw a man who had been wrongly accused of stealing and sent over on a ship from England in horrendous conditions, and had died on his arrival to Australia. He wanted revenge. I wanted to throw up as he was dragged out of me, and felt such relief when he was finally gone! My energy came back and I quickly recovered.
I found out a few weeks later that it went straight in to Jan’s body and she then had to go and have it cleared out of her by her practitioner! I didn’t want to dwell on the experience. It had been pretty revolting and I wasn’t then involved with trying to help people heal, but more so just to paint their faces and dress them up! (I was doing make-up, hair, and costume design for films and tv at the time). I just wanted to forget the experience and move on with my life.
When grief keeps love away.
Another experience I had didn’t affect me personally, but he was a very insistent man who seemed relieved to finally be able to get a message to his poor wife who was suffering horribly.
I was involved with a movie, but in front of the camera this time. we were shooting in this rather large house in the suburbs in Sydney. They’d been shooting for about a week before it was time for my part to be filmed, so I arrived and soon heard how difficult the owner of the house was making it for every one. They couldn’t start again somewhere else because loads of scenes had already been established so had to put up with her antics e.g.. locking the crew out and wasting hours of filming time. Ridiculous stuff really.
I saw a man standing at the top of the stairs looking at me with a worried expression on his face. Before I had time to think I told him not to worry, and I’d go and talk to her. Then I stopped for a moment to try and make sense of what had just happened. I looked at where the man had been standing and there wasn’t anyone there. I asked a few people if they’d seen him and they said no. He didn’t feel dangerous, just insistent.
Don’t go in there!” said the director insistently. “She’s mad..she’s done some pretty crazy stuff” I waited until he’d gone before I knocked on her bedroom door and with great hostility a voice asked what did I want. I told her I had a message for her….from her husband.
She opened the door to her smoke filled dark bedroom and said come in. I could hardly breath as she lit yet another cigarette. She had ash trays overflowing everywhere. The look in her thunderous black eyes was really scary. I can’t say I was enjoying being there.
She told me her husband had been dead for six years so what the hell was I on about?
“I know you’re trying to kill yourself, but don’t blame it on these people. You’ll be OK. I want you to go and talk to our son and tell him I’m sorry”
“But I haven’t spoken to my son in years!” she replied.
“Exactly…go and tell him I’m sorry. It’ll be OK. You all need to be together now”
She suddenly broke down and told me how they’d had a fight years ago that had split the family apart.
“I love you, I’m here for you” I said through my own tears. I felt really sorry for this lonely frightened old woman and the love coming from her husband was so intense. Later I wondered if he’d been spending all this time waiting for someone to come and give her this message. As the days went by, she came out of her ‘cave’, and stopped being such a pain. Her eyes changed from dead and black and actually had a glimmer of hope in them. And she actually smiled. She told me she was meeting up with her son, and near the end of the filming he came over with his two young children. The crew asked me, what the hell did you do. “Very little” I replied. I had just delivered a message.
Begging her to move on.
Another very profound experience I had happened when I met up with a dear friend in Melbourne at a hotel we were staying at for an awards night my husband was involved in. I was all dressed up in my glad rags ready to go out and had made time to catch up with Annie. It was great to see her after such a long time. I’d hardly seen her since our wedding. We settled in by the fire in two comfy arm chairs in the foyer to have a drink and a jolly good catch up. She had been a producer and I used to work with her a lot on commercials when I lived in Melbourne years before. She’d had an on again off again kind of relationship back then for many years with a director of photography called Mark who was tall and handsome and very charismatic. This had been ten years or so ago and I couldn’t wait to hear what was going on in her love life now. They’d ended up staying apart and he’d had a child with someone else. She hadn’t had any relationships since then she said matter of factly, and told me that Mark had been bi polar and had recently committed suicide. I hadn’t known him personally, and wasn’t really affected too much by this news seeing as he’d already left her for some one else etc etc.
But at that moment I sensed a dense energy around her head, and I was suddenly overwhelmed by the heartache and pure love that was flowing into me and I burst in to tears. Not the sort of controlled, dab your eyes with a hanky type tears but bawling my eyes out, snot running down my face type tears without a napkin or handkerchief in sight. With make-up running down my face all over my lovely frock we headed up to our hotel room.
“There’s one thing in your life you need to do Annie and that’s let me go and move on with your life. I loved you then and always will, and will always be there for you, but you need to let me go and make the most of your life now.” I said between sobs and wails. She looked at me with tears rolling down her face, a bit shocked at first by the intensity of my reaction, but then went on to tell me about how she had organised his funeral and it was the biggest thing she’d produced in her life. Hundreds of people went. He’d thrown himself off a cliff and been found days later, leaving a small child and wife behind. When he was happy he was amazing, but when he was down it was heart breaking. Annie had understood his mental illness like no one else and had found it impossible to let go of him and move on with her life.
“Please, please!” he implored. I felt like my heart was being ripped out. The pain of the love he felt for Annie was unbearable.
And then Annie let herself cry. Years of holding in this unbearable dense energy. “You’ve got to let go” he said, and slowly the energy lightened and I was able to sigh and sit there in a daze, with no strength to even try and make sense of what had just happened.
I was beginning to get used to this now. It was obvious that when some one had passed and there was unfinished business they will search for a way to communicate with the people they love if they feel it’s needed. And it usually is because they want them to know that they’re free of the crippling fear that the ego creates, and in a place of pure love and peace, and they want their loved ones to know that they’re OK and for them to be OK and know that this world isn’t real and doesn’t need to be that hard, and where we go when we die is really wonderful if we just trust in the process.
A little too close to home.
Now that we know the protocols for dealing with the discarnate souls, the fear has gone (which is just the sort of low vibration that attracts the unsavoury types).
There have been many more encounters since then, but there was a particularly strong entity that latched on to me like a monkey. Again I had similar symptoms, I couldn’t function properly, couldn’t think straight and felt quite sick. It was a tragic situation where a young lad who was best friends with my daughter’s boyfriend got run over. The situation was very close to my heart because of the traumatic effect it had on the people that I loved , so I asked if he needed help (without protecting myself). I invited him in and he leapt at the chance! He had unfinished business to do.
A snap shot just before he passed.
That night when I’d been asleep for a few hours he woke me up quite urgently and told me to go to the kitchen. I was alone in the house (very rare) and it was about midnight. He told me to write a whole load of information down. “Not on a piece of paper! In your diary.” He told me to flick through the pages of my diary until I came to the page he wanted me to write on. I wrote exactly as he instructed. Blue four wheel drive, young adult female in the passenger seat asleep, baby seat in the back, driver had short curly hair, moustache, red long sleeved top, number plate …… The next morning I woke up and thought the whole experience had been a dream. I wasn’t aware of what I was doing in the middle of the night. If I had been I would have been terrified. I was alone in the house in the middle of the night talking to a dead person! I looked in my diary and saw what I’d written. I didn’t realise at the time that I was writing all the information on the page of the date that he died. I wrote down the account of what he saw. That last snap shot as he turned around in that split second…
He made me promise to go and tell the police. It took me a while to go because I felt like a fool and that they’d think I was unhinged, but I did what he said. A few months later he woke me early one morning to tell me to go and talk to his Mum. I felt the weight of her grief and it felt unbearable. He begged me to go and tell her to move on with her life, to focus on her living family and not be consumed by his death. At six on a cold winter morning I dragged his poor Mum, a stranger to me, out of bed to tell her what he said. She wasn’t impressed at all to say the least! I’ll never forget the pain in her eyes when she said “What if that had been Lucy!” (my daughter). Hey! I’m only the messenger! By this stage I’d had enough and told him to go to the light and leave me alone.
When life is taken suddenly there’s a lot they want to say.
I thought the best person to get him out of me would be the local priest, but one of my Reiki buddies managed to help me extract him. It’s tragic when a life is taken so suddenly by an accident….they have a lot they want to say to the people who loved them, but the grief of the ones left behind is so all consuming that there’s no room left in their heads to hear any messages. The only way they can hear anything is when they can forgive them for leaving, and the world for “taking them away”. An almost impossible mountain to climb for someone who has lost the love of their life or their child.
“I didn’t mean to take it that far…”
There was a young teenage client who came for an appointment with a sore throat and no energy. It wasn’t long before I could feel an intense soul with piercing blue eyes and long brown hair. Her best friend had committed suicide a few years back, she’d been taking drugs and hung herself down by the local river and was trying to get a message to her Dad through her friend. I managed to get her out of my client, and the message was “I didn’t mean to take it that far, and I want you to know I’m sorry and I miss you.” My client also had the belief that if she’d been a better friend she could have prevented her suicide. Something else that had to be cleared! My client’s sore throat and lethargy disappeared instantly and she left feeling 100% and hopefully she passed the message on to her friend’s father.
A better relationship now than before.
I’ve been able to help a client find peace around the death of her daughter who got run over. Through kinesiology they’ve been able to speak and heal a lot of past animosity and find forgiveness for the tragedy. My client says she has a better relationship with her daughter now she’s dead than when she was alive! She has a great sense of humour and is always fun to have around in a session. We’ve also worked a lot with forgiveness concerning her dead mother and her brother who’s still alive.
Peace really does come from forgiveness.
He loved her so completely.
The next experience had been with a beautiful woman who’d lost the love of her life. Sally had spent twenty years or so with a husband who took her for granted before having the courage to leave him. She’d finally found the man of her dreams, only to lose him after a few short years. I bumped in to her at a local show and asked her how she was going. It wasn’t long before I was overcome by a feeling of such love and grace that it brought me to tears. We were talking about her loss and he was telling me how grateful he was that I was talking to her and could I please help her. I told her when ever she was ready to do some work to call me. A few weeks later she came to stay. He was there, but watched the proceedings. It wasn’t the time to do deeper work. What really touched my heart was when she told me she hated doing housework for her first husband. She felt used and like a cleaner, but for her recent husband who had passed, her job description didn’t change at all. Because he loved her so deeply and completely it didn’t matter to her what she did. She would fly to the moon and back if he asked her. The very essence of her soul was appreciated, adored, and unconditionally loved. He ‘saw’ her which made her soul whole and totally fulfilled again. I would still love to teach her how to deeply meditate to access this beautiful man when ever she needs him. I’m trusting that she will come when the time is right. There’s no rush for these things.
The pain of grief is indescribable..
I never really understood the depth of the pain caused by losing a loved one. I could sympathise and try and understand, but being able to feel it through the connection between various clients and their son’s, daughters, lovers, friends, who ever has passed….the pain is indescribable, and frightened me at first, but I’m OK feeling it now.
The understanding of a timeless universe hit me like a thunderbolt.
Another client is going through a divorce after forty odd years of marriage. The tragic loss of their son being run over by teenagers on drugs was too much for the marriage to bear. I wondered why their property is taking so long to sell but I now know it’s because this process needs to be done very gradually otherwise it’s too much of a shock for their systems. There’s a lot of history there, a lot of grief to process and a lot of things for both of them to get used to for their new lives ahead. We had a very intense session that enabled her to see the importance of forgiveness and enabled me to experientially understand the meaning of ‘everything is happening right here and now’. Her dead brother and son were there, a very clear picture of her in a past life and a clear as day picture of a future life was all happening at the same time. It was obvious that she needed to forgive the death of her son and her marriage split up and herself so that the cycle could be eliminated. The understanding of a timeless universe hit me like a thunderbolt.
Finding peace.
Everything is happening right now in this present moment. Our mortality is finite in this existence but our soul is infinite. Every second is precious to learn, play and exist in a scintillating awareness of a timeless loving unity. Every one forgiven, including ourselves, and everything and everyone accepted and loved for exactly who they are.
Otherwise the cycles keep going and we’ll come back and have to learn those lessons over and over again…
….until we understand our true nature and find peace.
As a practitioner I now know how to deal with persistent intruders and can easily communicate with those souls that feel the need to ‘speak’ to their loved ones. It’s not something that I’ve actively pursued, seeing as it can be quite intense at times, but I trust that the right people come to me at the right time.
I hope this helps demystify passed souls, they’re really not harmful when we know how to protect ourselves, and the ones consumed with un-forgiveness can easily be controlled with strong boundaries, and sent to light. (So far so good).