the philosophy behind healing sessions with sarah

Do you belong to any religious or spiritual organisation or cult?

No. I have enormous respect for the truth of the teachings of many different religions, but I am not affiliated with any specific organisation. I hope that one day we will all understand the meaning of one consciousness and that we’re all connected. Having the experience that there’s no ‘us’ and ‘them’, and no separation, by accepting everyone’s differences and self expression can only lead to peace and respect for each other. I  strive to live from a place of love and truth, and a respect for all that this universe is.

What is your philosophy behind alternative healing and allopathic medicine?

Believing that only alternative medicine is right, or that allopathic medicine is the only right way seems futile. If we truly want to help people to heal surely we would want to be open to trying anything to achieve that? There are so many doctors and scientists who’s research concludes that we need to look at every aspect of a human being. Not only concentrating on the physical structure, but also taking into account the emotional and energetic nature. I have observed, experienced, and studied scientific evidence that proves we are made up of vibrating energy, and have a vast energetic field around us. Einstein understood this when he said  “The (energy) field is the sole governing agency of the particle”. Also our thoughts directly affect our health and happiness, which Dr Bruce Lipton’s famous studies prove concerning the placebo effect.

I think it would be great if we could stop saying one particular modality is better than another or the only way, and use any and all forms of healing when appropriate. If it works then why question it, believe in it or not believe in it? There is great power in collaboration. To only believe in a certain way e.g. “Show me the Science” using only our five senses, and testing on people who vary so incredibly, seems archaic these days.

We know so little about the mind, but what we are beginning to understand is it’s unlimited knowledge and power and the potential it has to create or destroy our reality and health. Buddhist monks have been practicing mindfulness to end suffering for thousands of years, and Dr Joe Dispenza, and the Heart Math Institute have experimented with encephalographs, recording brain wave activity whilst meditating. Under powerful microscopes, we can literally see the brain rewiring itself to create what ever we want. When we‘re happy and relaxed we release healing chemicals in to our bodies, when we’re stressed we release destructive chemicals in to our bodies.

I hope that one day we can all respect each others roles in healing. And healing for the good of humanity not for disproportionate profit.

As Shakespeare said, “There is no right or wrong, only thinking makes it so”.

Why is it so important to unblock the energy systems of the body?

Working very closely with people for the past thirty three years has made me very aware of energy in and around the body, and the resulting practice and study of different modalities has heightened my ability to feel other people’s energy, and also feel the presence of the entities/spirits around them. As mentioned before, scientists have been able to prove, using sophisticated microscopes, that we’re mostly made of vibrating energy, which has reassured people that healing the energy in and around the body is not only important but essential. The meridians (energy channels) in the body have been proven to exist, and also as mentioned before, encephalographs have recorded the rewiring of neurons in the brain to create new thought systems.

Emotional density created by negative belief systems creates energy blocks in the body and leads to degenerative diseases. For example, when releasing a negative belief system through kinesiology, Reiki, EFT, Hypnosis, Theta healing or Psych-K, there can be anything from a huge release of energy to a subtle ‘letting go’, which can have a profound affect on a person’s physical and emotional health. Clients can usually feel this energy release in a session.

Holding on to past traumas can affect the millions of thoughts we have throughout the rest of our lives, and cause enormous stress so it makes sense to release them. Sometimes we release traumas in increments, the mind and body will control what it’s capable of and ready for. Just being aware of the memory and its resulting emotional density is sometimes enough for the letting go process to begin. Clearing it with different techniques certainly speeds up the process.

Which modalities do you use?

I like having a tool box of different modalities that I can use because different people respond to different methods. I’m so grateful to all the pioneers of energy healing, and the scientific proof that has now given the sceptics some concrete evidence that ancient healing practices have known for centuries. I have a full description of my favourite modalities that I recommend that people continue with at home after a session and make an integral part of their lives e.g. guided meditations, EFT, Healing Codes, Byron Katie’s worksheets, Ho’opono pono, which are all available for free on this website, plus a description of the modalities I use in healing sessions. Eg Kinesiology, Reiki, Time Line Therapy, Hypnosis, Theta Healing, Chakra balancing, Quantum Touch and entity clearing.