Have you ever asked yourself the question ‘Is this all there is?’

By this I mean what you’re experiencing with your five senses. Dealing with everyday stuff, job, kids, paying bills, family etc.

And what about all the stuff that goes through our heads? The endless mind chatter, our reactions to our environment and people, that pain in the arse at work, worrying about how we look, never seeming to have enough money, worrying about the future, feeling overwhelmed… The list is endless.

Living on this planet and thinking that all we can use is our conscious mind, i.e. our five senses – touching, hearing, smelling, tasting and seeing, is a recipe for a very ordinary life.

Have you ever had the experience of wondering how you were going to solve what seemed like an impossible problem only to have the answer come to you like a thunderbolt? Or heard the phone ring and you knew who it was before answering? Or you thought of someone and then bumped in to them somewhere? My husband Richard knew exactly when I was going to have both our children, and he packed the car the night before our second one saying ‘This one will be fast!’ And he was right! He knew not only when she would be born but how long I’d be in labour for.  We put this down to coincidence, or luck and think no more of it just like our medical profession has done for years because the thousands of miracles that happen on a daily basis can’t be explained by just using our five senses. If it can’t be proven scientifically then we’ll just ignore it. We’re a funny breed aren’t we?

But what if there was something beyond what we perceive with our five senses. What if we’re actually not what we think we are, this meat suit. What if we’re pure energy that’s so vast we can’t even begin to understand the enormity, and when this energy is unleashed, incredible ‘miracles’ happen? What if we experienced being one with everything and fully realised what we really are, that we can never die but we come back to this plain of existence time and time again to have human experiences? What if we really understood that feeling emotions and going through traumatic events of heart break, loss, disease, pain and violence is our way of slapping ourselves in the face and realising these are just lessons to bring us back to love through accepting that life is an illusion rather than try and make sense of through fear and a life time of suffering.

When we feel the insanity of war, the soul ripping heart ache of loss, and pain of disease, we wonder why we placed such importance on pathetic goals like being rich and having ‘stuff’, or beautifying the ‘meat suit’.

Adversity gives us glimpses of our true nature when we embrace the insights. We can translate it as failure and struggle or be inspired to live a life in love.

When we dive in with others going through adversity, we experience our connection. We ‘get’ that we’re one. When we lay our hearts on the table and say ‘this is me, I’ll give you everything I’ve got!” We’ know we’re looking in the mirror and we can face the imaginary demons we’ve locked away in scary dark places.

When we dare to feel, miracles happen.

The deepest level of truth uncovered by science and philosophy, is the fundamental truth of unity. At the deepest subnuclear level of reality you and I are literally one.

reality is an illusion , although a very persistent one – Albert Einstein.

We think that our physical life is real, but even science understands that everything we see is just vibrating energy, and when an atom, seen under a microscope, is mostly nothing rather than some thing. We listen to people’s experiences when the left side of their brain has stopped functioning (See Jill Bolte Taylor’s “Stroke of insight” TED talk), or what happened when they went in to a coma (read “Proof of Heaven” by Dr Eben Alexander), or the miraculous healing of a broken bones (read ‘Breaking the habit of being ourselves’Dr Joe Dispenza)  and the countless inexplicable experiences that thousands of ordinary people have had, it doesn’t really sink in until we’ve had the experience ourselves.

I see this life as a giant stage production where everybody plays a part in leading me home, back to the unity of all that is. (Universal wisdom, God, the quantum field etc). Every one and how I react to the world is an opportunity to bring me back to love. Everyone mirrors my internal world and I can choose whether I experience it as bad or good.

Getting out of our heads with mind-less meditation gives us experiences of the expansiveness of who we are, and creates a wonderful sense of peace and relaxation so that our bodies’ have a chance to heal, and allows the space for inspiration to flow so that we can create an incredible life if that’s what we choose, and a happy and fulfilling life where we really ‘see’ the connection  to our families and friends.

We were meant to experience nothing less… we were meant to live a life in love.