Do we want to love or attack?

Do we want to love or attack?

It’s horrible to feel ‘attacked’ by someone else. If we go below the anger and admit to ourselves, the most hurtful of verbal ‘attacks’ come from our partners and our families. And bloody hell! Doesn’t it hurt coming from our children? Those people that we’ll know for...
The unseen, the forgotten, the unheard and the lonely

The unseen, the forgotten, the unheard and the lonely

When I get tired and overwhelmed with the demands I put on myself and my energy is depleted, it’s easy for me to feel a bit flat and vulnerable. It’s at times like this that I’m open to exploring the shadow side of my existence. I had a ‘messenger’ conversation with...
When we dare to feel miracles happen

When we dare to feel miracles happen

Have you ever asked yourself the question ‘Is this all there is?’ By this I mean what you’re experiencing with your five senses. Dealing with everyday stuff, job, kids, paying bills, family etc. And what about all the stuff that goes through our heads? The endless...
Can we just get our priorities right and put love first?

Can we just get our priorities right and put love first?

I’ve spent thousands of dollars on courses and books, plus my own life experiences, successful career, traumatic relationships, post natal depression, lots of depression, teenage kids, and a twenty year marriage, to finally get to a place where I feel I know what it...